Sunday, December 5, 2010

Summary C4T #4

My last teacher I was assigned to this semester was Kathy Cassidy. I am so glad I was! I love her way of teaching! She opened my eyes to younger children using the computer. I am now allowing my six year old son to use my laptop.

One of her posts that I commented on was her new way of doing the parent/teacher conference. She talks to the student about what they want to achieve. The student shows the parent/parents what they have done and what they want to do, and then Ms. Cassidy talks to the parents about what it will take to help their child reach that goal. I love this idea! I wish my son's teacher did this and I hope by the time I start teaching I can do something similar.

Another thing she does with her students are make videos. Like they said, "...we get to see them again and again..." Who wouldn't love that? I know the little videos I had my six year old son and two year old daughter help my friends and myself with they like to see them and tell friends and family about them. In one of my comments to Ms. Cassidy I told her I hope she doesn't mind if I use some of her ideas when I am teaching.

I absolutely love Ms. Kathy Cassidy's teaching and invite everyone to also check out her class blog and comment on her students blogs as well.

Summary on C4K #9-11

C4K #9-The blog I read was about the student's making chicken pharaohs for class. They were learning about ancient civilization and mummification. They did some awesome research on it and are thinking about making a scavenger hunt for the class next year to find. I thought that was a great idea and asked them to keep us updated about it.

C4K #10-I commented on Trey's blog about his dirt bike. He also talks about other vehicles he has ridden. Since I am a parent as well as a student I told him to have fun, but be careful.

C4K #11-Bennett's blog was about all the different things his teacher had them do with cranberries. He seemed to have really enjoyed that week of making different things with cranberries and being able to try them.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Last PLN Post

As I said earlier, I use symbaloo as my PLN. I use it for everything! The very first thing I do when I get on the internet is go to my symbaloo account. The reason why I do this is because everything I need is in that account. I have my all the sites that I like to visit there so I can get to them quickly.

I love symbaloo so much that I am going to set up an account for my six year old son. He likes to get on the computer to play games or watch movies. I feel like if he has an account with them then I can control what is on there and what he is doing. It will also come in handy (since his father and I are no longer together) for me to not worry about what he is doing over there on the internet. I will make sure they have his information so he can access it there or anywhere.

If you cannot tell I absolutely love symbaloo and recommend it to everyone! I have made it easy for you to link on to their site by clicking on the word "symbaloo" that I used in the first paragraph. I hope you like it as much as I do!

My Final Project for EDM310